Navigating and safety

The routes will be shared on our website in GPX format and Google Maps in the week of the event (also in our app). This is useful to have at hand.

The route is indicated with:

  • Route arrows: these are often hung on lampposts or when needed equipped with a light. You must pay close attention, especially in wooded areas, in the evening and at night.
  • (Chalk) markings on the ground.
  • A halfway sign.
  • Last 5 kilometer signs.

In addition, the following signs are also posted where necessary:

  • Silence signs: often in quiet areas or residential areas. We ask participants to take extra account of local residents here.
  • The rest points have clear rest point signs.

The route is set out by our Route Team, which also consists of a leading and tail walker. The leader starts earlier and walks in front of the first participant to check whether all arrows and signs are hanging correctly. The tail walker remains behind the last participant and ensures that the last participants are not left behind and the rest locations can start dismantling and clean up in time. Are you one of the last participants on the route? Then we ask you to follow the instructions of the tail walker.

We try to make the routes as accurately as possible, but we cannot always guarantee this due to road works and safety, for example. We aim to deviate the routes by a maximum of 2 kilometers.

Food and drink

It is important that you drink and eat frequently, so that you have enough 'fuel' to complete the route in a pleasant way. It is wise to bring your own food and drinks for the journey, such as fruit, sugars and salty snacks.
Some rest locations offer participants something extra and/or sometimes a simple snack or sandwich can be purchased. We ask locations to take vegetarian options into account as much as possible.


First aid is available at all locations. You can go here if you are not feeling well, or if you suffer from blisters or (early) injuries. In the event of an accident or acute emergency, always call 112 immediately.


The route largely runs on public footpaths and cycle paths. You are responsible for your own safety at busy intersections. Stay alert and obey the traffic rules.
The Night of the Refugee is a walking event. It is is not a race or marathon. Also, running can lead to dangerous situations.

To ensure the safety of all participants as best as possible, the organization uses the following:

  • First aid at all locations
  • Traffic controllers at busy points on the route
  • A number of participants are deployed for extra control on the route

A help number is listed on your starting card, which you can call or send a message via WhatsApp if:

  • You're lost
  • You are not feeling well (no acute emergency or accident) - we will then send an help-team your way
  • You can no longer walk any further - the help-team will pick you up and take you to the nearest station, rest or finish location. If this is the case, it is wise to be able to call someone who could possibly pick you up.
  • You notice if route signs/arrows have been removed - our Route Team will put up replacement route arrows
  • You experience inconvenience along the way due to fellow participants or other (external) parties

Volunteers and crew

During the Night of the Refugee, all volunteers are clearly recognizable by their yellow crew T-shirt. The cars of our shuttle buses and logistics teams are recognizable by a "Night of the Refugee" sticker. On the route, our photographers and reporters carry a press card with which they can identify themselves. If in doubt, you can always contact the helpline number on site.

House rules

We ask every participant to take the house rules below into account. During the event, the organization will, where necessary, remind participants of compliance with this.

  • We're walking at a late hour. Keep this in mind, especially in residential areas. Talk in a low voice. We have placed silence signs in places where you have to be completely quiet.
  • To ensure the safety of everyone, it is not permitted to bring large objects, such as carts, banners or (flag) sticks.
  • If you want to listen to music, do so with earphones/headphones. Do not use amplified sound or speakers.
  • Smoking is allowed on the route, but make sure you don't bother your fellow participants. Put away cigarettes and other waste carefully (save it until the next rest point, for example!).
  • We ask everyone to cary a light during the evening and night hours, but keep in mind that it is on at a fixed setting. It can be disturbing to other participants if your light is on the flashing mode.
  • If an (individual) fellow participant becomes unwell or injured along the way, we ask you to assist them and, if necessary, call the emergency number on the starting card.

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